another_1_bites_the_dust.jpgJaz Parks has enough trouble in her personal life. What she doesn’t need is more trouble with her vampire boss and another mission. This time she has to retrieve a vital piece of biotechnology by killing the maniac who stole it: an ancient Chinese vamp. Their cover in this mission: professional entertainers at the Corpus Christi’s Winter Festival.

The crew’s all here: a psychic, a techno-wizard, a singing vampire, a juggling PI, and Jaz. Holy crap in a bottomless well, Jaz is going to bellydance. It’s definitely, probably, quite possibly going to be the end of the world as we know it.

Alright, let’s get it over with: Go ahead and hum the first few bars or so of the song. It’s probably already playing in your head. (Yeah, sorry about that. Again.) ‘Kay, down to business.

This installment certainly doesn’t find Jaz Parks in a very good place: She’s dreaming, and sleepwalking, and, well, about to do herself some serious harm. Plus, she has to bellydance. In front of people. And her boss, Vayl. (It’s awfully hard to tell which one she’s dreading more.) And somehow all of that manages to take a backseat to their assignment: Track down a big bad vamp who thinks he’s a dragon.

I have to admit, for me, this series just keeps getting better. Jaz once again proves herself to be an excellent heroine – strong and vulnerable and completely believable. In addition to all the action, we also get a good dose of humor from Cole (who just might be my favorite character – gasp! it’s not the vampire!) and lots of fun interaction between the motley crew.

A highly recommended new series with plenty more installments on the way!!